Monday, March 7, 2011

Privacy and the unaccountable CSA

Again I find myself in a 'breach of privacy' battle with the CSA. They breach my privacy and on complaint deny it. The denial is standard CSA procedure and when proven blatantly in the wrong, they make excuses like 'our privacy team weren't up to speed with the legislation'. These being people paid to know the legislation, yet blind Freddy can see.

Like times past, I have taken the matter to a higher level and expect like times past to win. Now there's an oxymoron, a win against the CSA. No such thing really. The onus is on the complainant to prove injury as a result of or loss. Except in extreme cases, like where the ex is told of your address (it does happen), comes around and bets the crap out of you, it usually comes down to your word alone.

Get the sack because of CSA incompetence? Your ex boss won't admit to it. Did it cause anxiety? Spend a few thousand on counselling, allow the CSA to access your files and maybe you will be reimbursed a few months later, but unlikely to get any compensation unless you take it to court. This exercise will probably cost thousands and you will be up against smart arsed government lawyers whose only job is to fight such issues. Even if you are lucky enough to get some compensation, you will only do so upon signing paperwork that stops you from even talking to you family about it in a public place.

In a nutshell, the CSA has built a shelter that protects it from litigation. It plods along knowing it doesn't have to be accountable and your complaint will just be a figure amongst twisted stats at the years end. The public servant responsible will just be moved to another desk where they can do less harm.

I've been witnessing this inscrutable plodding go on for over a decade, in my humble opinion a Commission of Inquiry needs to be undertaken.

Questions?  -

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